I’m pleased to (finally!) announce the release of the updated Neverwinter Nights module for Sanctum of the Archmage, Chapter 1: The Sight, version 4.0! The new files are up and can be downloaded now. See the following PDF for details on the required downloads:
A word of warning in advance: the download requirements for the updated version of the module are very large — including, among other packages, both Project Q v1.5 and CEP v2.4.
I’d like to extend special thanks to my Beta testers, who did a thorough and outstanding job of helping me shake out the bugs in the final versions; the principals at Project Q, for their years-long support in helping me to integrate their content into the updated version; and my players, for their always encouraging support and interest.
— Andarian
Amazing! It is the most wonderful gift for a New Year! *I’m Russian and we celebrate a New Year at 31 december :)* I just can’t wait that moment, when i shall finally play in this updated version *____* Thank you, thank you, thank you for your marvellous work!