Progress on the Sanctum 1 Rework

Here’s a short update on the progress of version 3.0 of Sanctum of the Archmage 1: The Sight. I’ve made a set of tweaks to the selection of available items, and to some of the areas up to and including the first level of the ancient ruins. And I’ve rebuilt the second level from scratch, to for the most part (though not entirely) resemble the upper part of Level 2 from the current version. Some parts of it, however, have been broken out into separate areas of their own, and I’m working on those now.

I’ve also included a (short!) configuration interview at the beginning, to set two parameters for the module playthrough. One of them, of course, is choosing Robin as male or female, and I have all of the dialogue lines and variables written and set up now to support that. The other is a flag that I’m going to let the player set at the beginning, to indicate whether they would prefer to play with difficult combat (as in the current module), or with easier combat. I’ve written some code and have reworked many of the module’s encounters to make use of this setting, which I hope will make the module more amenable to players with varying levels of appreciation for difficult combat.


Here’s an example snapshot of what I’m working through now in the way of updating areas. It uses this tileset, which I rather like — except that the low ceilings do create something of a problem that I don’t think I’m going to be able to get around. The tileset is an upgrade to this one, which doesn’t contain the enforced (low) ceilings, and which I’m probably going to have to end up using instead. I’m interested in feedback, so feel free to post comments (prefaced by a spoiler warning ;)) if you have any thoughts on this.

9 thoughts on “Progress on the Sanctum 1 Rework

  1. Well, the futuristic wall and floor texture certainly look more appropriate for the kind of ruins left behind by the Ancients. 🙂 But I see what you mean by the ceilings. A headless Dragon just doesn’t have the same impact somehow.

  2. Hi LadyN,

    Uncharacteristically (at least for me), I didn’t have any new conversations in mind for the Sanctum 1 rework. There are a lot of new and modified lines in the existing conversations, but relatively little in the way of entirely new dialogue. Now that you’ve put the idea in my mind, though, I’ll think about it.

    What do you (or other readers) think? Is there anything that you would be especially interested in seeing fleshed out more?

  3. Hi:

    Well, right off the top of my head:


    I think it would be awesome, but then for me, you can never have enough dialog! here are some ideas…

    1. Perhaps one dialog after Robin/Orion is poisoned to see how they are doing/express concern.

    2. I’ve always wantd some dialog at the gnome city when you stay at the inn. It seems like a nice time for a chat. Maybe R could give us a song at the pub. I long to see R’s bardic persona in action.

    3. Perhaps some random chat point about O’s adventuring experience or Robin’s travels.

    4. Perhaps we might learn how Orion and Prince/ss Robin met. Has this been covered? I know if so, senitlity strikes again!

    5. Maybe another tidbit about robin growing up.

    Thats what I can think of off the top of my head. Of course any chats with Robin would be fun, since I’m a Robin fangirl… =-)

  4. Hi LadyN,

    Thanks for the suggestions! 1 and 2 were actually on the list of items that got cut for time when I first built the module, so they’d be prime candidates to include in the update. I’d originally wanted to have a scene with Robin giving a performance at the Svirfneblin Inn, and I think I could work that in pretty well. Robin and Orion’s first meeting was fairly uninteresting, but perhaps I could include something on one of their adventures together. Once I’ve got the area building and game mechanics parts of the update done, I’ll give this some more thought.

  5. (I play male Robin, so will most likely refer to Robin as “he”)

    1.) I’d like to see some non-event triggered inter-party dialog. Robin chatting with Orion, Orion chatting with Robin, one or the other chatting with you. It doesn’t have to be anything ground breaking-just a simple “how are you doing?” or perhaps some minor romancy dialogs.

    The last thing I want is for Robin and Orion to bicker over my PC. And given his circumstances, Robin will likely try to remain tight-lipped about Orion putting the moves on his best friend. Even so, I feel Robin should say something. (Male or Female assuming male PCs can romance Orion)

    He could either encourage the relationship (low to mid influence or no interest) or in a bit of jealousy (though he’d never admit it, least of all to himself) tells the fledgling love birds there will be plenty of time for that later–thus quelling the icky, bumpy lovey feelings. (High influence and/or interest.)

    2.) I’d like to hear about Princess Stephanie. Who was she? What kind of person was she? Knowing she was a pretty, talented bard seems kind of trivial given that she has been throughly enshrined in Robin’s memory and is a huge catalyst for his continued rage. Love and guilt are huge factors, but there are no doubt others.

    Discussing her would be a great way for the PC to bond and to better understand Robin’s mental state. I think it would flesh out Robin (male or female) a great deal.

    3.) The PC passiveness. I’d like to see the PC cave a little less to Robin. I know for story reasons, the two must get along-but even the best of friends want to choke each other out from time to time. (er, maybe that’s just my friends.)

    Some instances I recall off hand. The soul drinker.

    If you take the violent option (which I though was amusing and in lines with what a rowdy BFF would say) Robin gets angry to put it lightly.

    The “High handed bitch” remark should probably earn Robin an equally insulting retort. (or a good thwap to the back of the head considering he’s being foolish)

    Another instance is the final scene before Chapter 1 ends. Robin rather illogically flies off the handle when you take the exasperated route with him concerning his driven nature.

    Instead of simply apologizing, an option I believe should remain, I’d like see the option of “Fine! Be that way!” (immature, but reasonable) or a “I was only thinking/concerned about you.” or even, “Quit acting like a jerk/idiot. You can’t fight a war if you keel over dead from exhaustion.”

    Just something, even if it’s just token, to give the PC a bit of a spine/authority when it comes to her best friend.

    4.) This is more a chapter 2 thing. But I’d like to see Len’s body become something other than a fed-ex quest.

    It would be nice to have a mini-cut scene funeral for those who brought his body from the valley. I know time is of the essence, but if the PC has time to sight see and shop, she has time to pay last respects to her adoptive father and mentor.

    Perhaps Nim could send Robin or a messenger to wake you up from your rest to attend a small service.

    It would be a nice peace of closure, and drive home that Len was a kind, wonderful man that a great number of people loved.

  6. Wynele: Thanks for the extensive suggestions! I’ll respond at more length later when I have time. A couple of quick comments for now:

    – I’d planned Len’s funeral for chapter 2 and had to cut it for time. (My module building really did get cut short last year — I’d really planned for Sanctum 2 to be much longer than it was.) It will definitely be part of the beginning of Act II in NWN2, though, which will recapitulate the end of Sanctum II (and with more detail).

    – I plan to bring out more information about Stefan/Stefanie, but that will mostly be in Act III. (Among other things, King Maynard of Thressa — his/her uncle — is one of the rulers that you will have to try to bring into the Alliance.) So hang in there — it’s coming. 🙂

  7. I’ve decided that I’m going to respond to Wynele’s other thoughts in a new and separate blog post. She presented a lot of really good ideas (thanks Wynele!), but some of them raise important questions and critiques about the modules and how they are written (and perhaps, should be written). These are questions that I would very much like to get feedback on, and I think that doing that on a new blog post would be a good idea.

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