Ridable Pegasi Video Preview

I’ve got most of the scripting and details worked out for including ridable pegasi in Sanctum 2. I’ve decided to leave both flying options in the module, so that the player can choose whether they would prefer Wind Walking or Ridable Pegasi as their means of travel to other lands. Here’s a video preview. (The size is about 34 mb.)

Ridable Pegasi Leaving Mount Cassandra

I’m still tweaking the details, but I think it’s good enough to show. I’m still having trouble with the wings not showing up during the mounting animation, but I think I can live with that for now. I was also able to use one of the custom horse animations to make it look like the characters were really flying off the side of the mountain. Unfortunately the only suitable one I could find also has the rider losing his balance for a moment at the start. It actually makes the scene a little more humorous than I’d intended, but I think it’s a small price to pay to actually see the characters fly off the peak and into the distance.

4 thoughts on “Ridable Pegasi Video Preview

  1. Great work but … I hope you don’t have that music in your module when they fly off like that. Don’t know if I should laugh or cry 😛

    Ok… your problem with the wings not appearing when the character mounts. Why not FadeToBlack that scene or do you think that’s too long of a delay? Then FadeFromBlack a few seconds after so the wings are back.

    Very neat though otherwise 🙂


  2. Watched it again. The little shift when they fly off the side reminds me of those fun house rides where you sat in the cart. They’d jerk as they got picked up on the track.

  3. Hi FP,

    I’d like to get the wings to stay on while mounting, but I don’t think it’s worth adding in a fade. I might as well just eliminate the mount animation altogether if I’m going to do that. I think the summon effect and the text about the pegasi folding their wings while you mount should be sufficient for now, and I’m still hopeful for an eventual fix to it.

    About the takeoff animation: I may still work on that a bit. I have the party ride to a waypoint near the edge, and then switch to the animation to take them into the sky. The characters are actually remaining on the peak, but the animation makes them invisible and projects their images out horizontally in the direction they’re facing. (It’s custom animation 4, if you want to test it out.) I discovered this by accident, when I had a test pegasus on the peak going through all of its available animations to see which ones I wanted to use. When that one came up, he flew right off the edge and into the sky — which, except for the rider’s shift, was exactly what I wanted. I doubt that I’d be able to manage this any other way (without the figures snapping to terrain).

    About the takeoff music: that’s been in the module since the beginning (for the Wind-Walking version). I’m not planning to change it. 🙂

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