Sanctum 2 Wins Golden Dragon for Best RPG!

I’m very proud to announce that Sanctum of the Archmage 2: The Miracle Worker, Act I, has received the Golden Dragon Award from the Academy for Modding Excellence (AME) for Best Neverwinter Nights Roleplaying Module of 2007! Here’s a link to the announcement of winners, including a very nice (if I do say so myself) awards video produced by qkrch:

NWN1 2007 Golden Dragon Award Winners and Video

The segment announcing Sanctum 2’s win for Best RPG starts around 3 minutes 32 seconds in. I’m very proud of the video as well, not only for the honor of having my work included in it — for which I’m deeply grateful — but also because I actually did most of the video capture scenes for it myself.

I should also mention for the record, since I am a member of the AME, that the Academy has strict rules for when one member nominates another for an award. (Members may not nominate their own work.) In those cases, the nominated member must immediately recuse himself from any further participation (voting included) in that entire award category (in my case, Best RPG) for the rest of that year’s awards cycle.

Having worked with the other members of the AME for over a year now, I can only say that receiving an award from a group of people who are as dedicated to recognizing quality as I know them to be is a profound honor. Thank you!

EDIT: Be sure to listen to the great awards podcast with hosts Trey and Skunkeen, and AME member guests BGPHughes and Tybae. The awards segment for Sanctum 2 starts at about 22:35 into the show.

NWN1 2007 Golden Dragon Awards Podcast

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